Endangered Species

  • Como un animal solitario, Gaia percorre os lugares interpretándose como un elemento ecolóxico para cambiar o humus.

    Como un animal solitario, Gaia percorre os lugares interpretándose como un elemento ecolóxico para cambiar o humus.

  • Unha novela escrita como as vetas das árbores, que dun xeito innovador nos deixan percorrer das pólas ás raíces.

    Unha novela escrita como as vetas das árbores, que dun xeito innovador nos deixan percorrer das pólas ás raíces.

Gaia is one of those people with a core hard like an oak tree. She claims the mountains and forrests as world and resists domestication in any of its forms. Like a solitary animal, Gaia goes through spaces thinking of herself as an ecological element with a vocationto change the humus into revolutions. One fine day, her work as an interpreter leads her to  cross paths with the sucessful singer MK. At this point, her certainties evaporate or maybe it is this the chance to let her roots reach the sky. En vías de extinción is a novel that speaks of the worlds that are changing, of cultural diversity, the gaps between rural and urban cultures and the potential to make the margin, the centre of our own lives.